Denture Repair
In need of denture repair? Our on-site mobile laboratory will fix broken dentures while you wait!
In cases such as a crack down the middle of your dentures or a denture broken down the middle in two pieces, the repair can usually be fixed within 24 hours.
In cases such as a tooth has fallen out of a denture, we can repair this for you within 24 hours.
In cases such as a broken clasp on an acrylic partial denture (a clasp can usually be “hand- bent” to replace a clasp that has broken), this procedure varies and we would need to see the partial prior to quoting a repair time.
It’s always best to give us a call to let us know the state of your dentures so that we can ensure we can provide accurate timelines for assistance.
Remember: Please do not attempt to do “at home” repairs. Glue between two pieces of a denture can alter the fit entirely making the denture repair much more expensive or almost impossible.
Our Process
What can I expect for Fractured Denture or Partial Repair
1. Assessment of what is fractured.
2. Impression taken if necessary (if it is not a clean break, or if there is a piece of the appliance missing).
3. Repair processed while you wait! (24 hours in most cases)
What can I expect for Additions to Partial Dentures:
The patient is wearing a partial and has lost an additional natural tooth or needs clasp added.
1. Morning visit, assessment of natural dentition and partial denture, impression taken with denture in place. If soldering of metal retention is needed to hold additional tooth, the case is sent to a secondary laboratory. If not, we will complete lab work in our on-site mobile laboratory.
2. Insertion of partial with addition of tooth or clasp. (This can often be the same day, later afternoon if soldering not required)
Mobile Coverage Areas
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Denture Services

The Denture Source is a family run, full service denture clinic with an mobile laboratory. Providing a unique and personalized experience catered to your individual smile, budget, and esthetic expectations.